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Inner Beauty !!

Our culture encourages women to cultivate a beauty that is skin-deep. God, however, tells us to pursue an inner beauty of great worth. A woman who cultivates inner beauty, who fears God and lives to serve others, makes a difference in people’s lives. Her beauty makes a lasting impact on the lives she touches.She doesn't need heavy make up to impress others, she doesn't needs cut sleeves or mini skirt to appear beautifully, she doesn't needs to always look beautiful for others to fall in love with her, her personality is enough to fall for her...For outer beauty is not as important as inner one, it will fade one day but inner beauty will remain forever and she will be remembered for her inner beauty..It gives peace and make us more happier rather that being worried about physical appearance to always look beautiful.Which beauty are we seeking to cultivate? Are we intentionally cultivating inner beauty, or do we give more attention to the outward appearance? The way we think about and attend to our personal appearance is really a mirror of our hearts. By reflecting either godly motivations or selfish motivations, we reveal whether our priority is to cultivate inner beauty or outer beauty.The beauty looked at with eyes doesn't last forever. Instead of concentrating on outer beauty, we should concentrate on inner beauty. The point is that inner beauty is more important than outside beauty. So, if we make the effort to make our minds beautiful, we'll be happier.


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