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Valentines week...weakly loved !!

End of February, all the couples must had very exciting Valentine’s week..!!
Exactly… the week when people show all their love to their partners…days like chocolate day, teddy day, rose day, promise day and all are celebrated by the couples with lots and lots of love. In this week ,both the partners show their love to each other. To them it is the most romantic week and yes it might be and there is nothing bad in it…but is it really the only time when the love for your partner can be explained or expressed? What about the rest 358 days? What's the need of the weekly love...I would prefer to call it weakly loved!! But what after the valentine's week??
Does a chocolate or a teddy or a flower can express your love for your partner…? They can only make you happy for moment or may be for a day but what lasts forever are not these things but your love and faith on your partner… but yes, they can be complimentary and what I feel is that love does not need any particular day to be expressed on… Love is something that can be expressed any day, any moment, any second and that too without the expenditure of a single penny..!!
And If not doing all this is unromantic then I don’t hesitate to say that I am unromantic..!!
Your words, your love, your faith and your presence is enough to explain your love for your partner…Love is when your name is enough to make them blush…Love is when you stand by your partner’s side even at his/her worst…Love is when you understand each other the way no one else can…Love is where your status doesn't matters…Love is when you can trust your partner and not the rumors about him/her…Love is when you can stand holding his/her hand before millions even if he/she looks their worst.. Love is when there is nothing like flowers or expensive gifts to prove your love…Love does not requires saying “I love You” hundreds of times a day and writing cheesy lines for each other…Love is not hiding your partner’s fault...Love is explaining them what’s good and what’s bad for them…Love is not getting jealous of each other’s friends…Love is being each other’s best friends...Love is not spying each other by doubting the trust..!!
Love is trusting your partner…believing in them..…Love is respecting his/her feelings…and supporting each other… Love is when you share your things, decisions, situations and not giving a thought of being judged..!!
Love is celebrating you’re not being perfect together…the time you meet your partner and have an eye contact, exchanging effortless smiles and celebrating Valentine’s Day regardless of the date and day!!


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