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There’s a lot said and written about mothers, no doubt they deserve it all but fathers too hold the same place. When we say father, to some a father may be the person who takes all the decisions of the family, to some, father may be the person who earns for them or the one who bear the responsibility of the family, to some father might be the strict parent and to few, father is a person whom they can make unlimited demands from but is that really he is all about?

No, he is lot more than this; I guess words are not enough to describe a ‘father’. Well I would say a father is the soul of the family, he is like roots of the tree. He is the one who before thinking about himself even once, thinks about his family first. ’Father’ is the one who sacrifices his wants for the sake of his family and their goodness, to make their present better and their future the best.

He is the one who wears his old pair of shoes and fulfill his child’s expensive demands. He is the one who works overtime and sacrifices his needs just to see his family smile. He cries at nights and stands firm in the morning and he never let us know the tough times he go through. He teaches us the good and bad lessons of life. Apart from being a teacher, a father is more like a friend to his child. Father is the one who teaches you to walk and always stands by your side. He supports us at our difficult times. He gives us hope when he lost his himself. He is strict at times just to make us better but his love and care is hidden behind his anger.

And people ask that what your father did for you except than earning? So people here your answer is!!

A father is like a tender storm, a candle in the dark, gardener of the flowers, he’s a river of love, wind of care and mountain of strength. He’s a person who asks nothing in return, his happiness lies in ours and makes our sorrows his own. His unconditional love knows no boundaries. He’s like a moon between thousand stars. Our mothers are his only world and we being his children are his pride. A father is a man who deserves immense respect and our love is all he needs. Words are not enough to describe what fathers are!!


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