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You Learn!!

A moment before you think how hard life would be if someone close by you leaves and the very next moment you are left alone. Sometimes life really does listen to your words and make them alive.It's not a sin neither to leave nor being left alone. It's natures' call. One has to suffer. Maybe your Angles are suffering now and your demons rejoicing. No couple die together one has to shed tears for the other half.

Not everyone you love is destined to love you back. Being left by someone feels pathetic. Then follows the series of flashbacks. Someone leaving you in the mid lane is not the problem. Problem starts when you can't forget them. You try to burry their thoughts but they haunt you again and again. 

Those memories eat you inside and you tend to miss everything once you had with them. It's not the memories that hurt it's the flashback that follows.First you sail on the ship of love then suddenly you are thrown in the ocean of sorrows and deep regrets without a life jacket. Some learn to swim and some sink in the ocean. The dark night of the soul comes just before relevation. 

When everything is lost and all seems darkness, then comes the new life and all that is needed.However in the end you learn to swim through the sorrows, learn to love your own demons. You learn to love again. 'After all love never drowns.' Once more you sail in the ship of love but this time the fear of falling continues.

 You finally learn to love back and finally learn to be left by them. You learn to fight. The fear of falling from your own ship again, makes you drown others ship. At times just to save your heart, you become heartless. After all the greater the love the greater the chaos.

Well this is life ! As cruel as the satan's lips and as good as the angel's bliss.After all the drowning, swimming and sailing back again you learn to navigate your ship.In the end "YOU LEARN.

"Untill you're broken, you don't know what you're made of. It gives you the ability to build yourself all over again but stronger then ever."


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