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Remembering School Days!!

“As a child we always wanted to grow up fast, but now we realise that incomplete homework and broken toys were far better than unfulfilled dreams and the world outside.” As a child grows so do his tensions and responsibilities. Happiness, sadness and other emotions, or even love sick, we all can find in our school time. That's why school life is the best time in human life. It is different from university life and adult life, very different.The time spent in school was the best one. I remember the school life which I know I’ll never get back but would love to attend the classes from 7-2 again. The morning assembly…that first boring class.…that teacher on which you had crush on…and getting punishments in every class…enjoying with friends & sharing lunch….sitting together…that incomplete homework….imitating teachers….one night study before exam.…and that frightening result day & the most dangerous parents teacher’s meeting….no responsibility....distance from the seriousness of life...studies and lots of fun….friends, teachers and every bit related to school……that made me what I am today….school life is something I cherish the most…and would love to get it back…my golden days they were. And I know that no matter which university I go to or which college….they can never match my school days. Every thing is missed!!School life is very important part of ones life, because it provides opportunity for study and discipline and having fun on top of that. Everybody's school days have the memories they can cherish and treasure for life. School days are the most joyful and fun filled with many mysteries to solve and many fights to resolve.


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