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Showing posts from 2016

She is a girl..!!

She is a girl.. She goes through a lot..but no one has any idea about it.. She is a girl.. She acts mature at a very tender age...but keeps a child alive inside her till her last breath.. She is a girl.. She cries her heart out all nights but that's a secret only her pillow knows about.. She is a girl.. She speaks a lot..but she is silent..lost in her own world..she has a lot to say but she has no one to share her feelings with.. She is a girl.. She loves with all her heart...but still holds insecurities within herself.. She is a girl.. She has no idea about how beautiful she is...she needs a guy to show her mirror of his heart.. She is a girl.. She is very simple but she is complicated as hell at the same time.. She is a girl.. She stands strong throughout her life..still needs a shoulder to cry upon.. She is a girl.. She is enough for herself...but she needs a guy to complete her.. She is a girl.. She is full of flaws...she just needs a hand to hold h

+ or - its you who decides !!

The Drops of Rain.. That Smile in Pain.. To Hide the Tears.. Those Disclosed Fears.. To Feel the Change.. To Find it Strange.. To Live Your World.. To Leave Their Words.. To Imagine the Things.. That Thought of Wings.. To Set it Free.. The Clouds Above the Sea.. That is Life That is Life.. With all The Ease..and All the Strive.. Live it With a Smile..or Live it with The Pain.. Your Present is All you have to Loose and to Gain!

Smile-beauty of her pain :)

Whatever it was beautiful. It was a paradise for her for she had never been into such a place,  such a world that had given her immense pain yet all she sees is the beauty of it. She still smiles when that world flashes back in her mind. It had given her wounds deep yet she accepts them proudly,  something so beautiful  in which she still could  smile even when her soul was on when she recollects all that she had been into. She even gives that heavy smile when all she want is to burst out tears and her chin shivering with the heaviness of pain but she finds beauty in her pain. Deep she says and scripts down that of her pain..!! 

A chance to wish

If I get a chance to wish, I'll wish to go yo the bed and sleep for the rest of my life.... I'll wish never to wake up in this world of irony. I'll wish to live in fantasies where there is jo right or wrong... Where Ill be the only one to judge myself,  a fantasy where I'll not be stabbed ny the people from behind.A place where I wish everything would be perfect. I will be living in a world where I could breathe in an air of peace abd where sun will be shinning out brightly burning all my pains. A place where clouds will be raining drops of happiness and filling me with life. A place where I'll be watching every evening with my loved ones by saying goodbye to sun and welcome the stars which will inspire me to shine in the dark to live infinitely. But the sad truth is that. I have to wake up in.this world of irony where life is being suppressed by reality. A reality where I am tied by the ropes of expectations and locked in a cell surrounded by darkness and hoping

Last year!!

Sometimes, love doesn't feel the same way it did last year!! It says it still exists, but you can slowly slipping away from you. Suddenly late night phone calls turn into five minutes of talking before its midnight. From welcoming the sunrise together after talking the whole night, it's you sleeping with your phone in your hand waiting for it to buzz. Hand shakes the moment you meet turn into hand shakes you rarely receive. Love's hand doesn't creep into yours any longer,  nor does it kiss your forehead or nose because "Its so cute that I can't ". I love you's come by once in a blue moon. You're so scared of saying it first because you're afraid it won't be said back. Comfortable silences become awkward and love no longer asks how you are. It goes on and on about itself,  and you're a mute spectator. How do you find the courage to walk away from a love that made you feel invincible? How do you find the courage to finally
Well this is something that I found very relatable, so I am sharing it. The  older I get the more I realise # Friendship is not something that is common.  Genuine friendship is rare. # Your mother should be appreciated # Everybody wants something and never ask themselves what they bring to the table. #The energy you give to the world, is the energy you receive. #Time alone is not a bad thing. #Love is a gift and is not something you can demand or force. #Being comfortable should be your main priority.

Silent Sight !!

All is silent, all is still.. No one around to see the thrill.. Small, small light... A shadow moves.. The petals move, start to sing.. Wind picks up, nature's music starts... Starting at point base, feeling in the heart Born to feel, always live the same Never let the soul ever be tame.. Starting to move, step by step Slowly at first, but fast at last.. Keeping in tune to the sound of the heart.. Finishes, beautiful spin...tidy dancer starts off again.. A silent applause, for no one to hear A feeling of gratitude from those who are near.. Still no one around, absolutely no sound... But a smile suddenly creeps while around everything sleeps. The heart always goes what the eye always shows.. Never give up that feeling you hold....!!

Inner Beauty !!

Our culture encourages women to cultivate a beauty that is skin-deep. God, however, tells us to pursue an inner beauty of great worth. A woman who cultivates inner beauty, who fears God and lives to serve others, makes a difference in people’s lives. Her beauty makes a lasting impact on the lives she touches. She doesn't need heavy make up to impress others, she doesn't needs cut sleeves or mini skirt to appear beautifully, she doesn't needs to always look beautiful for others to fall in love with her, her personality is enough to fall for her...For outer beauty is not as important as inner one, it will fade one day but inner beauty will remain forever and she will be remembered for her inner beauty..It gives peace and make us more happier rather that being worried about physical appearance to always look beautiful. Which beauty are we seeking to cultivate? Are we intentionally cultivating inner beauty, or do we give more attention to the outward appearance? The way we th

10 reasons to smile !!

TOP 10 REASONS TO SMILE! 1. Smiling Makes You Attractive. We are drawn to people who smile. There is an instant attraction. We want to know them. 2. Smiling Changes Your Mood. Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. Smiling can trick the body. 3. Smiling is Contagious. Smiling brings happiness to you. Smile lots. You will lighten up a room and draw people to you like a magnet. 4. Smiling Relieves Stress. When you are stressed, put on a smile. The stress should be reduced and you'll be able to take action. 5. Smiling Boosts Your Immune System. Your immune function improves Because you are more relaxed. Prevent flu and colds by smiling. 6. Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure When smiling there is a measurable  reduction in your blood pressure.  Smile and you'll see. 7. Smiling Releases Endorphins, Natural Pain Killers and Serotonin Studies have shown that smiling releases  these three and makes us feel good. Smiling is a natural drug. 8. Smiling Makes You Look Yo

Self-Respect !!

Self respect is a priceless asset of one’s life. It is an experience of being deserving and feeling worthy as a human being. Self respect is a powerful force that allows us to perceive the approach of self approval waiting for none to appreciate our existence; it inspires us to proceed on our own pace. All human beings are blessed with certain instinctive values and potentials in life. Due to lack of knowledge, we often fail to identify our own qualities and therefore, feel degraded. Self ignorance widens the possibility of self-deception to cease all prospects of life. Self respect teaches us to honor our values and ethics in life before anyone could recognize it. Honor and recognition are the two basic demands of every human being. For some people these are very prominent, and in some cases they remain silent or hidden within the self. We feel humiliated and frustrated if we do not get proper value and respect from people. This automatically generates self negligence which is a bar

Friendship !!

Friendship is one of the most beautiful relations of all. Without any fuss, confusion, tangles and commitment life becomes a cake-walk if you have a hand of a friend to hold on. It is a divine blessing of God. Don't you agree? If not, then tell me, how is it possible that in population of more than a million you somehow stuck with someone who is just like you? We also say at times, ‘This world is so mean’, then how come there are few people who are ready to take all your sorrows and are always there for you when you need them. I can say this because I have been gifted with such a beautiful gift called “F.R.I.E.N.D.S” in my life. Sometimes I wonder God has given us so many relations to cherish where each one of it having its own importance in our life. Friendship is the only relation out of all which is apart from caste, class, blood or status. It just needs to check the love in the heart of the other person to be friends with. Best friends stick together till the end, They are

Its Okay !!

IT’S OKAY…!!It’s okay, things happen..It’s okay to cry at the minutest things…It’s okay to crib about things in life…It’s okay to do the weirdest of things…It’s okay to fall, you learn to stand…It’s okay to let go…It’s okay to walk away, you get a new start…It’s okay to follow your heart…It’s okay to have fun, life is all about that… It’s okay to be different, not everyone is same…It’s okay to quit, you aren't made for everything..It’s okay to go nervous, life is adventure.. It’s okay to fail, it’s a part of life.. It’s okay to lose your pride over someone you love.. It’s okay to take it easy every once in a while.. It’s okay not to be okay all the time…It’s okay to live every moment of life for yourself…It’s okay to enjoy the life the way you want…It’s okay to accept that you aren't okay..It’s okay not to be perfect..IT’S OKAY TO BE THE WAY YOU WANT… At the end, your happiness matters…!!! Live life to the fullest without having any regrets.Life is too sho

Sky :)

The sky,the moon,the stars and the sun… All inspire me to shine through darkness.… They are the guiding light to my path of success… They motivate me to work harder and not take any rest…!! The path will be full of thorns… And the times will be harder..… But stars signal that I shouldn't lose my sparkle… For,these tedious paths will only make my success even sweeter…!! Indomitable spirit and determination is all you need to reach your destination… The sky is my inspiration… It motivates me to reach those heights with every rising day…!!

Count your blessings

"If you have food in your fridge, clothes on your back, a roof over your head, and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of the world. If you have money in the bank, your wallet, and some spare change, you are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy. If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million people who will not survive this week. If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the agony of imprisonment or torture, or the horrible pangs of starvation, you are luckier than 500 million people alive and suffering. If you can read this, you are more fortunate than 3 billion people in the world who cannot read it at all." We would all be more happy and have plenty to be grateful for...if only we would count our blessings rather than our problems.''

Remembering School Days!!

“As a child we always wanted to grow up fast, but now we realise that incomplete homework and broken toys were far better than unfulfilled dreams and the world outside.” As a child grows so do his tensions and responsibilities. Happiness, sadness and other emotions, or even love sick, we all can find in our school time. That's why school life is the best time in human life. It is different from university life and adult life, very different.The time spent in school was the best one. I remember the school life which I know I’ll never get back but would love to attend the classes from 7-2 again. The morning assembly…that first boring class.…that teacher on which you had crush on…and getting punishments in every class…enjoying with friends & sharing lunch….sitting together…that incomplete homework….imitating teachers….one night study before exam.…and that frightening result day & the most dangerous parents teacher’s meeting….no responsibility....distance from the seriousness

Life and Suicide!!

Life:- We born as a child to our parents to make their happiness levels to the peak. Parents feel very excited to give life to us. Parents will be our back bone still we stand on our legs. Parents will be our guide to make life beautiful. Parents keep on thinking about our future to mould like a best sculpture. Parents are our first teachers to teach us how to walk. Parents only love us unconditionally. Mother:- She carry us 9 months by Giving food in womb, this says Mother started loving us when we are in womb. Strives hard & takes deadly pains to give us birth. She makes lot things to child and those all are best things. She will be our favorite teacher, our favorite friend. She makes her life sacrificed to give us best life. Everyday she keeps on working for children without any holidays. She is a inspiration for us to know that hard work still gives happiness. She prays for safety and health. If children gets any injury, she cries until it get healed. She was an alarm in ou

You Learn!!

A moment before you think how hard life would be if someone close by you leaves and the very next moment you are left alone. Sometimes life really does listen to your words and make them alive. It's not a sin neither to leave nor being left alone. It's natures' call. One has to suffer. Maybe your Angles are suffering now and your demons rejoicing. No couple die together one has to shed tears for the other half. Not everyone you love is destined to love you back. Being left by  someone feels pathetic. Then follows the series of flashbacks. Someone leaving you in the mid lane is not the problem. Problem starts when you can't forget them. You try to burry their thoughts but they haunt you again and again.  Those memories eat you inside and you tend to miss everything once you had with them. It's not the memories that hurt it's the flashback that follows. First you sail on the ship of love then suddenly you are thrown in the ocean of sorrows and deep regrets

The mask!!

Have you ever faced a moment.... When you had tears in your eyes, But a smile on your face. The tears were for you, The smile was for him. That exact moment is when you learn to sacrifice yourself, That exact moment is when you learn to live with a mask on your face. Everyone sees the mask  But no one sees the woman behind the mask. The woman who sacrificed, That moment is when you grow up from a girl and become a woman !!

My father’s slippers are always bigger than mine!!

My father’s slippers are always bigger than mine There’s a man whom I adore the most. There’s a man whom I love the most…there’s a man whom I respect the most because he is the one…who has never turned his face from his responsibility…because he is the one who has taught me to be strong at every situation…because he is the one…who taught me to never regret anything in life…he is the who taught me to smile at difficult times, he is the one who taught me to thank God in every situation...good or bad…he told me that life is a test and we have to pass...from him  I've  learned that life is never the same…there are ups and tests our reactions and downs tests our patience...He is the one for whom I am perfect in my imperfectness. No matter, he teaches me how many lessons of life…no matter how many times I stand his alongside...I will never be able to match that man...because he is the man with the best experiences... a man whom no one can match…he is my father and hi

Valentines week...weakly loved !!

End of February, all the couples must had very exciting Valentine’s week..!! Exactly… the week when people show all their love to their partners…days like chocolate day, teddy day, rose day, promise day and all are celebrated by the couples with lots and lots of love. In this week ,both the partners show their love to each other. To them it is the most romantic week and yes it might be and there is nothing bad in it…but is it really the only time when the love for your partner can be explained or expressed? What about the rest 358 days? What's the need of the weekly love...I would prefer to call it weakly loved!! But what after the valentine's week?? Does a chocolate or a teddy or a flower can express your love for your partner…? They can only make you happy for moment or may be for a day but what lasts forever are not these things but your love and faith on your partner… but yes, they can be complimentary and what I feel is that love does not need any particular day to b

Girl in coal- world class beauty !!

Kajal and a girl When we talk about girls and their beauty…. What we imagine is a girl who is fashionable, fair, with a good features, make up, good figure an what not. We talk about miss world and miss universe..or the beauties around the world… and on the other hand when we talk about an Indian girl with just kajal in her eyes..!! That will make you go wow..!! I think a girl in kajal can defeat the world class make up beauties..because they have the reflection of their souls in their eyes..Kajal makes them look classy…A girl in just kajal is ready to go anywhere…Kajal makes a girl look her best..and I think kajal is a girl’s best friend when it comes for outing…it may be any occasion..a girl wearing kajal can win hearts of many and it suits the eyes of every girl. It doesn’t matter what skin tone you have…what all matters is how decent you can look only by just applying kajal…Kajal and a girl is best combination for me in fashion world..!!


When I first read your name, I didn't know, one day it would give a blush on my face and bliss to my heart. When I first talked to you, I didn't have idea, one day talking to you, would be as important as breathing, as I couldn't live without any of it. When your thought first crossed my ignited mind, I never knew you would be the base of every sentence, I would write. When I first felt the butterflies in my stomach I never imagined it would be because of you. When I first indirectly confessed, that wholeheartedly I’m interested for your companionship, I didn't know, one day you will also fall for me. When you first let me enter in your confined world, I felt it was a dream come true..I didn't know, one day, my lips will mumble your name during prayers to my lord. When you first started over ruling me…I didn’t know you will dominate me and I would love it. I didn’t know that I would never think innumerable times when you ask me to obey

A lady according to me

As people think that it is men of our society who needs to change their behaviour towards women. But according to me… what’s more important is self-awareness and self-confidence of women..!! It is women who let themselves down in the society,,,,who feel that they are not capable enough to do anything or match the males of our society.. The Indian women are such..and they need to understand this. The more they’ll take stand for themselves the more successful they will be..I too being an Indian lady can connect with the situations where ladies feel down; that is the reason they judge other ladies…It is the females of our society more than the males who judge other women..and try to make them go down…because they want themselves to be on top and they always pretend that they are better than others that’s the reason that  they fake others just to impress people around them…they try to be what they are not. Apart from this..Indian women feels insecure and they don’t stand for themse

Distance means so little when someone means so much :)

LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS..!! Some people are not with you every time. They are not there to listen to you every time you want them to do so. You don't get to see them no matter how much you crave for them. Sometimes all you wish for is a hug but they are so far away. Yes, long distance relationships are hard and sometimes harder. But these hard times can make you realise that how important that person is for you and your existence. People usually say that they don't last for long but only those know the strength and worth of the bond who have been in one. Yes, it is difficult to maintain such relationships. Their single text leaves you with a huge a smile and the happiness you feel when they share bunch of their photos to surprise you. Their one call...can make your day. When you write poetry for each other or a long paragraph describing how much you love them and miss them that gives goose bumps. When their small jokes make you laugh till your face turn blue and


There’s a lot said and written about mothers, no doubt they deserve it all but fathers too hold the same place. When we say father, to some a father may be the person who takes all the decisions of the family, to some, father may be the person who earns for them or the one who bear the responsibility of the family, to some father might be the strict parent and to few, father is a person whom they can make unlimited demands from but is that really he is all about? No, he is lot more than this; I guess words are not enough to describe a ‘father’. Well I would say a father is the soul of the family, he is like roots of the tree. He is the one who before thinking about himself even once, thinks about his family first. ’Father’ is the one who sacrifices his wants for the sake of his family and their goodness, to make their present better and their future the best. He is the one who wears his old pair of shoes and fulfill  his child’s expensive demands. He is the one who wo